Veterans’ Way

Prompted by: Veterans Day

Never served in the militaristic spotlight being focused upon today, but I still appreciate the risks and challenges that honorable members of our military embrace on behalf of our security.

There are two main thrusts with respect to my participation in veteran affairs.

One is ensuring that all veterans have access (liberty) to the powerful psychedelic experiences serving to help veterans best deal with Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and any other condition addressable by that awesome power. MAPS (Multidisciplinary Association for Psychedelic Studies) is engaged with higher levels of the Pentagon about leveraging that power, for prime example, so this thrust is already thankfully working outside of my contribution.

The other is doing my best to help ensure the liberty being fought for is actualized, so not the blatantly treasonous exercise spanning national history that leaves liberty defined by the people in power with outright dismissal against the obligatory unalienable right to liberty certainly and righteously (including intelligently) defined as liberty limited only by the right itself (logically to prevent the abuse of law). Literally all persecution throughout American existence comes from ignoring that obligation, so this is a deadly serious issue worthy of public priority, but remains dominantly ignored in favor of further empowering our oligarchy by torturously judicially defining liberty (usually by defining risk) supposedly against suffering (like pouring gasoline on a fire to put it out).

Our nation was clearly established against the abuse of law itself, but that lesson remains idiotically tossed aside for the sake of competing selfish agendas in oligarchical affairs merely ironically presented as publicly beneficial.

If liberty is an unalienable right, then psychedelic experiences (which factually harm nobody by default) cannot possibly be illegal (more specifically, the harmless acts enabling those experiences cannot be judicially banned or regulated).

While this day formally recognizes military veterans, honorable law enforcement veterans deserve similar recognition for their similar embrace.

All veterans need public support, but not just the verbal and superficial expression of that support (too often weak to a degree raising the question of sincerity). The support needed is a responsible and dutiful public that is capable of ensuring oligarchical pressures spanning the private and public sectors are honorable. Basically repeating for emphasis, that support is severely lacking, while such pressures rampantly extend on behalf of the selfish side of conflicts of interest to serious national deterioration (effectively a complex civil war to define liberty by law to unethically secure certain oligarchical power in the continuously tumultuous bid for power — the ironically pathetic ‘king of the hill’ mental illness against public safety).

Society has a serious stress problem with no remedy being delivered for all intents and purposes. Sure there are people espousing the value of stress management, but that’s a relative drop in the ocean compared to the dramatic force necessary for true societal balance, so stability.

Relying only upon the physics definition of stress (basically one body distorting another body), ultimately stress and change are synonymous. Change (stress) can obviously be bad through good, so the aforementioned problem is not about eliminating stress, but ensuring unhealthy stress is minimized while healthy stress thrives to strengthen at least our species.

Productivity is abusively (but popularly) defined throughout history as work. Relaxation is taking a break from being productive, according to that abuse. The result is widespread and too often deep unhealthy stress from the dominant imbalance between work and relaxation, because resulting pressures towards “productivity” mean more work over relaxation. To really be “productive”, one must work even harder, so many (if not most) people are severely stressed out by what should be a publicly obvious societal detriment — excessive application towards professionalism.

A healthy work ethic is obviously wise (and smartly working above and beyond for a worthy cause is noble), but so too is a healthy relaxation ethic. Balancing those ethics is the key to civility, because balance is stability (obviously required for at least responsibility, composure, and survival).

Relaxation allows the body to heal, so undeniably is productive. Without that healing, a serious burden upon our healthcare system emerged (and is sustained, if not sickly growing) to empower a “legal” medical monopoly with all of the abhorrent price fixing and other disastrous problems that come from a monopolistic dam. Without that healing, unhealthy stress way too often unleashes violence and other abuses (drug, sex, food, etc.)

By reducing the public burden towards “productivity”, the public is naturally healthier, so more likely to be smarter inclusively as a part of actual productivity. We the public also more likely have the time and energy to focus at least some-respectable-what upon serving as government (actually oligarchical) watchdogs (preferably with a strong focus upon upholding the unalienable right to liberty) to best remove the selfish side of policy, and that’s also real productivity.

That policy includes the exercise of subjecting daughters and sons to war.

War includes the continuous vicious poking of the metaphorical bee hive in the prime zone for Islamic pain, which has been nothing shy of egregiously destructive (e.g. refugee crisis, global cycle of violence from religiously militant butchery, horrible infrastructure damage, irrational dominance, etc.) “The best defense is a good offense.” has been horrifyingly abused to endorse that continuance.

Our nation (especially while allowing the public to exercise the right to remain responsibly armed) could crush a foreign military invasion here, so the goal of a strong national defense has already been achieved, while other goals (e.g. poverty, education) remain idiotically insufficiently addressed during our “good offense”. Basically neglecting those other goals is obviously ironically a national threat.

War also includes the undeniably illegal (in an uncorrupt judicial system) war on some drugs, which affects us all, but especially endangers soldiers and law enforcement, because of the massive profit margin solely from black market compulsion pouring enormous financial resources into criminal organizations of all sizes (including corrupt governance) to grossly empower thugs to press their hideous flavor of might makes right with basically no respect for public safety.

There can be no honorable doubt about the fact that our Supreme Court illegally redefined the Commerce Clause from ‘regulate commerce’ to ‘regulate any activity having a substantial effect on commerce’ (clearly different, according to the English language). Allowing the Commerce Clause to form the constitutional basis for Certain Drug Prohibition is nothing shy of outrageous, and the hideous mass destruction from another failed prohibition (we don’t even have a drug-free prison system) demonstrates even more unhealthy stress against us all.

Honorable veterans serve us, but a healthy synergy effectively demands that we honorably serve them.

Honor in those (and other) circles is the absence of thuggery, but “Just say no to thugs!” doesn’t cut it by a long shot.

Joining honorable veterans in exercising courage and health overall is the only way towards true productivity. This entertainment veteran who has seriously ‘suffered for my art’ is firmly allied with those honorable folks in expression and dutiful exercise.

I am an honest freak (or reasonably responsibly balanced "misfit", if you prefer) of an artist working and resting to best carefully contribute towards helping society. Too many people abuse reasoning (e.g. 'partial truth = whole truth' scam), while I exercise reason to explore and express whole truth without any conflict-of-interest -- all within a sometimes offbeat style of psychedelic artistry.

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Posted in Liberty Shield, Stress Health
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